Ok, I know everyone is worried about the swine flu, and I hope none of you out there catch it. I thought I would take a few minutes to share some of the Swine Flu Jokesthat are starting to circulate around the Internet. Here are the 10 best ones I have found so far:
1. It was once said that a black man would be president "when pigs fly." Indeed, 100 days into Obama's presidency.... SWINE FLU!!!
2. Why are Jews immune to Swine Flu? It's not kosher to catch it.
3. What is the only known cure for Swine Flu? Liberal application of oinkment!
4. Forget the Swine flu Pandemic, it's a global hamdemic!
5. Wife runs out of a petrol station and phones husband.. "I'm scared to fill up because of swine flu!", Husband replies, "You daft women, its in Mexico not bloody Texaco!"
6. Mate, I'm a bit worried. I want you to go for a Swine flu test. I know you have not been to Mexico but lord knows you've been with some pigs in your time!"
7. New new Mexican Currency:
9. Paris Hilton's Take on Swine Flu:
10. Swine Flu is apparently not a problem for Pigs because they are all going to be cured anyway!