It's not often that I recommend companies, but I wanted to let you know about onCall 25/8.
Addison's laptop was going on the fritz, he was having problems getting the computer to start charging when he plugged it in. You should have seen the incredible ways he would have to move, push and pull on the charget to get the computer to start charging. Finally it just wouldn't charge no matter what he did.
The laptop was out of warrenty, and Gateway said that they would have to replace the whole motherboard, basically saying the cost of fixing the computer wasn't worth it. BestBuy's Geek Squad wanted to charge me $80+ dollars just to send it out to be diagnosed and then they would let me know how much it would cost to fix, yuck!
I went online and and found a local company called onCall 25/8. They sent someone out the next day and created a case number for my laptop. They quickly diagnosed the problem and were able to replace the laptop's powerjack at a reasonable cost.
Addison is back online thanks to OnCall 25/8.
Thanks guys! If I have any computer repair issues that I can't resolve on my own in the future, you can bet that you will be the first ones I call!
Here is how to reach OnCall 25/8
Virginia: 703.250.2580
Maryland: 301.760.7222
DC: 202.625.2511
Here are some links guys to help your site, you deserve them!!!
People still go to the geek squad???
Posted by: New Orleans Computer Repair | January 31, 2009 at 06:39 PM
Glad I saw this post. I have a problem in my laptop it is not charging I don't know how to fixed it. I just wonder how much is your service?
Posted by: Electronics Philippines | June 15, 2009 at 02:30 AM